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Wednesday 21 November 2018



Payment is the major points in business dealings. The payment is done between the seller and the buyer. This payment is done in various ways. I have written about the quotation and price fixation of products. All of the dealings become success by a payment. 

Prompt Cash
Payment terms for goods or services in which payment is due within a few days (usually not more than 14) of delivery of the goods or the rendering of the service.

Spot Cash
Money that is paid for something immediately, when it is delivered.

Net Cash
The amount of cash-on-hand claimed on financial statements after subtracting current liabilities. Net cash is typically an indicator of a company's cash flow position at the end of a reporting period.

Cash with order (CWO) 
A payment term whereby the buyer remits the money at the time the order is placed. Under this term, the buyer is actually extending credit to the seller. Also called payment in advance.

Cash On Delivery
the system of paying for goods when they are delivered

Bill of lading
Detailed list of a ship's cargo in the form of a receipt given by the master of the ship to the person consigning the goods.

Deferred Payment
Temporary postponement of the payment of an outstanding bill or debt, usually involving repayment by installments


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